Saturday, January 23, 2010 Versus

Buy at

Below is information to compare for yourself those interested in purchasing Silver. sells 99.99 ounces of pure silver in two styles for the price of $22.95 (shipping included; applicable taxes for California residence - sold ONLY to US residence); whereas sells only US Silver Eagles where the purchaser can receive referral commissions by receiving one US Silver Eagle for every 2 sold at $36.50 plus $6.00 shipping.

Being biased toward for the price of 10 coins it would cost you $229.50 a savings of $141.50 if you were to purchase silver from This means if you purchased from, you would receive an additional amount of 6 coins totaling 16 ounces of 99.99 pure silver in comparison to

Having NO vested interest in for the price of 10 coins it would cost you $365.00 (plus shipping of $6.00; applicable taxes unknown - sold to US residence and other designated countries).

NOTE: Links are provided to investigate further. Please be sure to go directly to the links provided and review the details. Both websites offer information as to WHY someone should consider purchasing silver as part of their economic and financial strategy.

Buy at for $22.95 a ounce under 100 oz. shipping included plus taxes for California Residence

For Serious Silver Investors purchasing Over 100 ounces (US Residence ONLY) - Buy at at $2.50 over spot price plus $25.00 (shipping - NO Taxes for California residence on purchase over $1500.00) whether 101 ounces or 50,000 ounces delivered to your doorstep

Review My Competitor

Coins are shipped upon confirmation payment has been received. While subject to change due to market conditions (Silver Prices have risen over 119% since the 2008 lows), at present our Silver Snowball membership is only $36.50 monthly + $6 shipping (that's the total shipping rate no matter how many coins you are ordering and there is no shipping charge to receive the bonus coins you earn). This includes one ounce American Eagle Silver Dollar Coin(s) and SS News. We also give you a free marketing website and affiliate program that gives you unlimited bonus one ounce AE Silver Dollar Coins based on every two new AND repeat customer orders for as long as you remain a member. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cancel anytime you want to stop your Silver Snowball of Coins. Or continue and automatically accumulate real wealth every month as your silver coin collection grows.

Review My Competitor for $36.50 plus $6.00 shipping

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Beginning - Video Blogs

No more writing my blogs, web 2.0 - video blogs are more time efficient for my busy schedule.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Warning Voice From a Man of God

Gordon B. Hinckley, Former President of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints
click the photo for viewing video

In 1998 President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke of being cautious of being in debt or spending irresponsibly. He counseled that every person should get their house in order. For he quoted the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine. From this talk in 1998 to December 2005 was the peak of the Real Estate Boom.

Now, in 2009, we are in the midst of the decline or 7 years of famine spoken of in the prophecy interpretation of Joseph's interpretation of the Pharaoh's dream. Either heed the prophet's voice, OR be on your own being tossed to and fro in the land of liberty held captive and in bondage.

Monday, April 6, 2009

We should remember the soldiers that defend our privilege to live on the land of the Free and home of the brave. Thanks to ALL the soldiers who sacrifice for me, my wife, and my children! I am grateful for all you do on behalf of the American people! Thank you from the deepest part of my heart!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's Happening in England is Happening Worse in the USA

This Brit expresses my sentiments better than the smoke and fog that our US Government is pulling over our eyes. The every day hard working citizen is like a passenger in the Titanic; while the US Government knows and preparing for the worse scenario, the rich and those in the know are preparing to get their life vests and get on the life rafts to save their own neck.

What are the masses, the rest of us who are innocent and uninformed doing? We are walking around like the sky is shining and the air is fresh on a spring day. It won't be too long that there will be many who will listen to the call that the "Sky is Really Falling!" The citizen of the USA are in the Goldilocks mentality!

WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Good citizens of this nation, make preparations for the coming storm! If you don't, you will drown and become swallowed up! Do NOT allow a Katrina situation to occur in your financial home, because chaos and madness will occur before your eyes and you will resort to method, one has never before had to consider!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Larry King Speaks with Mitt Romney

I agree with Mitt Romney's response. It seems that experience, understanding, and wisdom is what is required to be successful.
