Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's Happening in England is Happening Worse in the USA

This Brit expresses my sentiments better than the smoke and fog that our US Government is pulling over our eyes. The every day hard working citizen is like a passenger in the Titanic; while the US Government knows and preparing for the worse scenario, the rich and those in the know are preparing to get their life vests and get on the life rafts to save their own neck.

What are the masses, the rest of us who are innocent and uninformed doing? We are walking around like the sky is shining and the air is fresh on a spring day. It won't be too long that there will be many who will listen to the call that the "Sky is Really Falling!" The citizen of the USA are in the Goldilocks mentality!

WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Good citizens of this nation, make preparations for the coming storm! If you don't, you will drown and become swallowed up! Do NOT allow a Katrina situation to occur in your financial home, because chaos and madness will occur before your eyes and you will resort to method, one has never before had to consider!

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