Monday, July 14, 2008

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae a Government Intervention

If you had money to invest, and there was a business in real estate that was going bankrupt, would you consider investing your HARD EARNED Money in that company?

If the risk was so high would you consider purchasing their stock for a possible return or NOT at all?

Here we go again. First, it was the Bear Sterns bailout with the Federal Reserve & J.P. Morgan. NOW it is Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the economy is so sick as it is, that our Federal Reserve is again willing to purchase a stake in the 12 trillion dollars in debt.

When will we begin to make businesses accountable for their business decisions? Why is the government being partial as to who is bailed out, and who is not? Why should the government use public money, YES! Public money, our taxes to bailout these businesses who such as the CEO of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae make a combined salary of $19 million a year in income.

This is the GREAT American, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness at the cost of the American people (the brunt of the weight is upon the tax payers of the middle class).

When will the American people say, "Enough is Enough!"? It is only a matter of time that our foreign investors (i.e. China, Japan, England, and others) will say, "America the beautiful, we are tired of paying for your lavish lifestyle, it's our turn to get PAID back for all the money and stuff we provide for you each and every year."

In my previous post, I mentioned Euros being accepted in New York, then, I talked about the US dollar falling against other currencies, then, I talk about investing in precious metals (i.e. gold & silver), and just the other day, I spoke about the 600 US stores that Starbucks is closing. What is next? I say, more trouble coming in the US.

We haven't begun to pay our Baby Boomers their Social Security Retirement and Medicare benefits...I believe America has to be close to Bankrupt, if NOT Bankrupt already...and, if closing the doors on the US was that easy, America would be in a deep depression. However, thank goodness for all the safety nets the US has built up & built into the system done through decades of operations.

Being the world's reserve currency is one safety net that keeps us afloat. But, when the other governments are fed up, we are in big trouble. Like when President Nixon took the US off the gold standard, or when M3 money was ceased from being published.

If Freddie and Fannie is now going to become our brothers and sisters to Uncle Sam, then where are we in this picture? -- Slaves, Servants, Laborers, and Step children to a dysfunctional American Family?!!!

Here it is another sign of the breakdown of the family unit! What NEXT..?

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