Monday, September 22, 2008

The GOOD INTENTIONS may Deliver Mal-Intent Outcomes

Here is a quote from the article "Mad as hell- taxpayers lash out":


And Surfta from Brooklyn, N.Y., says the government action is really not a bailout at all.

"It's NOT a bailout. The government is not handing out cash, they actually stand to make a great deal of money out of this, which will trickle down to YOU. First priority should be to try to control and fix the problem, then regulate sufficiently to make sure this NEVER happens again."


The problem with this thinking that I quoted above is that America has no conscience. It would be wonderful if everyone played by the same rules. The reality is that people by nature are greedy, self-interest, I'll cheat if I cannot get caught.

I recall the Katrina incident when the US government gave away $2000.00 via an ATM card to the disaster victims. There were people who fed off the government and "FREE" loaded on the money and many received this aid that did not deserve it. Money was being stolen and no one knew where it had gone? Yup! No one knew where the money had gone...

This is the problem with "bailouts"; it may have good intentions but it may deliver mal-intent outcomes. There are many affected by this government "bailout" - I believe it can create a problem with the "I don't care mentality" which leads to civil unrest, more dishonesty in the financial markets, and the masses having the "I'll cheat the government, if they are going to have the welfare mentality for the rich" There is one thing to attempt to help the poor and needy with entitlements, but when you help the rich, the unfair advantage is disastrous to the economy mentality of the whole.

All I can say about this is, watch out for lawlessness among certain segments of society as the rise in the commodities and retail sectors begin to surface. The entire problem with this whole system is that the money is no longer backed by gold NOR is the inscription "In God We Trust" have any meaning. I cannot believe that a good name such as God would allow his name to be dishonored!

Like any honest businessman, when the risk is too high and fraud is part of the equation, the honest businessman will hold back the lending. Well, I believe that God will begin, if he hasn't done it already, to correct the right of the wrong from the misuse of the inscription "In God We Trust".

It is all well and good but a just God cannot stand to see his good name be dishonored! So, once again, the good intentions of the US government may deliever mal-intent outcomes yet to be seen on the surface but will already begin to poison the financial and social foundation of this nation we call, "America the Beautiful"!!!

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