Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tough Times in the World's BEST Country

I haven't written a long time, almost a month. But, I see what is going on. I am very busy with the Proposition 8 campaign to preserve traditional marriage. Why? Because traditional families is the battle ground for the future of a strong, healthy, and safe America. Alex Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America, "When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!"

Now, back to my topic of "Tough Times in the World's BEST Country". I just read that the unemployment fund is being depleted and the Federal government (AGAIN!!!) will have to bail out the states. We haven't even begun to pay out the Baby Boomers on their retirement benefits and we are already having stresses that are like migraine headaches.

That's all I have at this time. I have run out of time to make an extensive comment. But the economy is in the tank and blame it on dishonesty, government mismanagement, and the greed of the consumer economy. We will pay as an America people with civil unrest that will have people going into a panic and doing things that will surface similar to the LA riots.

It is said that the few have ruined it for the masses. The word is "bailouts, bailouts, bailouts" and easy credit with a dishonest paper trading system that will implode.

Who needs military enemies when a country doesn't have money? The money is the problem. But, we can get out of this mess if America can be more honest, hard working, unwise and its people can humble, and the greedy few, and the dishonest few will have to sought out and prosecuted - we might make with a possible tummy ache.

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