Monday, October 6, 2008

The US Currency is being Dropped by Helicopter

Here we are today and the DOW drops below 10,000. This is the first time it has happened since 2004. WOW!  With the bailout of $700 bln that was approved by the Senate and the House, you would think it would solve the problem. NO! Why, because the problem is systemic.  I believe what they have done and are doing is passing out the life rafts to the crew and the rich.  Do you remember the movie "Titanic"?  What happened when the Titanic hit the iceberg?  Nobody, none of the passengers (the US citizens) really knew what hit them.

Usually the response by the crew (US government) and the rich (Wall Street greed and the very wealthy) is...minimize the damage and go along as if things will turn out alright.  According to the poll I have heard the Senate and the House voted for a bill that 9 out 10 Americans disapproved of.  Now, tell me if the system of government is NOT Broke?  When those in Capitol Hill cannot listen to the voice of the people, there is something drastically wrong!

You can expect the Federal Reserve to begin dropping boat loads of money from the helicopters. Why? Because the solution from the US government is not take the pain with the proper medicine, it is take an aspirin to ease the headache.  When are WE as a nation going to wake UP?

The hypocrisy is all around us! We are like alcoholics denying the problem and hoping that there will be some close relative to admit us to the Betty Ford Center.  If we are lucky, we may take this way out, but as it looks like now, we will deny the problem and continue to follow Helicopter Ben Bernake's solution - print money out of thin air!

For those of you who are reading this, BUY NOW, while it is low enough Gold and Silver.  However, for those of you who do not have that much money such as the many passengers that died on the Titanic, buy Silver, here is the reason why?  Read this link. The reason why is because Silver is MORE RARE than Gold, yet it is much lower in cost.  Let me repeat this again - SILVER is MORE RARE than GOLD! Do the research here is an article by one expert Ted Butler - here is the link. Here is another link.   

So, if the US Currency is being dropped as though from a helicopter by the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernake, where would someone hide their money to allow their wealth to be preserved?  It is a simple answer - HARD ASSETS that are TANGIBLE!!! Assets such as real estate, jewelry, gold, silver, and anything that would preserve the falling dollar from helicopters that are dropping this money being made out of thin air.

Eventually, when the masses come to the knowledge of the truth.  They will come to the conclusion that the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency of the world, but has ended up like previous world powers, spent on mismanagement, greed, and disregard for the people who know not what to do.

It is my hope as others read this blog...they will wake up and arise, and do something to preserve their little wealth that they do have now.  Meanwhile, where there is doom and gloom there is opportunity for the entrepreneur who can see a silver lining in the clouds of darkness.

While the money is being dropped from helicopters, be sure to purchase a parachute so you can have a safe and soft landing, because your  (America) money, the $700 bln dollars bailout is going to be given and kept by the people who will have a golden parachute.  Yup! That's right!  They may say it is for the working Americans and small businesses, but the truth is, I believe, that they will receive a token amount while the Wall Street's brain child will hoard and keep the money to get on the life rafts and use the life vests such as what happened in the "Titanic", where the rich  and the crew saved themselves while the rest drowned.

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